Do You Have Curves?

By: Dr. Eric McKillican, DC, FICPA, LCP

rainbow bridgeHistorically arches and curves found in nature were inspirational to early architects when building some of the most magnificent structures still standing today. Architecturally physics shows us that adding arches and curved supports allows a bridge to withstand increased stress and force, thus allowing it to last longer. It is not by coincidence that, when looking at it from the side, the human spinal column has four naturally developing curves. The presence of these curves along with a shock absorbing disk between each spinal vertebra (bone) allows for the daily stress and traumas to be absorbed and dispersed protecting the bones and joints ensuring that the spine will last throughout our life. Additionally and more important the structure of the spine is perfect for the exact tension needed on the nerve system contained within for it to function properly.

In today’s society our lifestyle behaviors have been modified to include unnatural forces of sitting at desks and looking down at cell phones for abnormally long period of times. Sitting forces the lower spine into a forward bending position, looking down at cell phones and monitors removes the natural curve of the neck.   Like braces on teeth, the longer a structure is held in an abnormal position the more permanent that position becomes.  Changing the structure of the spine also changes the tension upon the brain and spinal cord directly affecting the quality of communication. Imagine a violin string turned too tight or to lose.Posture

Simple lifestyle changes of stretching, moving, sitting up, pulling shoulders back and lifting the chin. Along with regular chiropractic tune ups can help keep your spine and curves in the position nature intended them to be. Your ability to send and receive proper effective messages depends upon it.




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8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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8:00 am - 6:00 pm
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